
I am just a regular guy, going through this regular world, trying my best to go above and beyond regular to serve, love, & praise our Awesome God. I’m a big, tall, redheaded guy that is blessed more than I deserve. I have a wife who is nothing short of beautiful inside and out. I have 2 handsome sons who are just as knuckleheaded and goofy as their daddy. I have a little princess of a daughter who is just as beautiful and sweet as her momma. I have a wonderful family. Great friends. I’m breathing. Moving. Able to live one day at a time. I could complain about some things but in the big scheme of it all, a guy like me ain’t got a thing to be complaining about. Except when the Florida Gators play sorry football. That I will complain about.

Here are some sayings that have meant a lot to me:

“Life’s more interesting when you’re happy.”

“Choose Joy”